
Thinking Allowed … (under construction)

Thinking Allowed … (under construction)

Success is not final, failure is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill

This is just a catch-all section for any old rubbish I might come up with. You might find anything in here. Most of it will probably be trivial nonsense but on the old 'monkeys typing out Shakespeare' principle there might just be something profound. If there is then that's most likely something to do with the passage close by of an Infinite Improbability Drive (thanks fellow travellers and Mr Adams in particular). Anyway, good luck and read at your own risk - dolphins welcome by-the-way.

Thinking Aloud

Science and Art - Again

I'm pretty sure that ever since the Scientific Method was born there have been impassioned argument over the differences (and relative merits) between the scientific and artistic worlds. there are arrogant idiots on both sides of the divide. Of course as far as I'm concerened there is no doubt - science is a noble, intelligent force for good whilst art is a wishy-washy pointless waste of anyone's time. By-the-way, just for the sake of clarity, the last statement is a JOKE - you know, laughter, mirth and entertainment. Anyway, here's something that popped into my greyish matter the other day whilst falling off to sleep.


House of Lords and Democracy

Just recently the UK House of Lords has inflicted numerous defeats on the Government's Brexit Bill. The problem is - is this compatible with the HoL's remit to scrutinise laws made in the elected House of Commons or is it a party-political ruse to scupper the results of the UK Brexit referendum result?

On Gender Pay Gaps (Simpson's Paradox)

Just recently here in the UK there has been much wailing and gnashing of teeth over gender pay gaps. The government has required larger companies to provide information that essentially shows the average pay for women compared to the average age fro men. As was probably predictable this has shown many firms where average pay for one sex is much greater than for the other - guess which way the unbalance fans???

But is all that it seems? Will we ask the right questions about this? Just a short little demonstration that, once again, raw statistical 'truth' can mask a more important underlying question.

By-the-way, this is an example of 'Simpson's Paradox' - go on, Google it, you know you want too!


Equal Opportunity or Equal Outcome?

I have often thought that our modern push to get equal gender representations in all walks of life is a commendable ideal - but might not actually give the best results for an organisation or society as a whole. We all tend to all agree that there are generic personality differences between the sexes but that these differences are pretty small and that the 'spread' of these traits creates a large overlap between them. So, the argument goes, we can ignore these small differences and expect in any civilised modern society to strive for an exact balance of men and women in any given role.

However, this egalitarian ideal may well be great when considering the population whose personality traits are reasonably close to the average, but what happens if we are selecting the very best person for a role, where we might be looking at people with traits near the extremes? Does this make a difference?
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A picture of a Norwegian clipper (I think) taken somewhere off the Leeward Islands in 2012

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