Now I've got a 3D printer (Prusa i3 MK3) and learned a bit about 3D CAD using Fusion 360, it seems a good time to do something useful. One of the niggly issues you have to contend with when fly fishing (well any form of rod and line fishing really), is what to do with the small lengths of scrap line you generate as you tie on something. It really is a bad idea to just chuck this stuff away as it can be areal danger to the wild-life who might eat it or, in longer lengths, get tangled up in it.
Mostly you try and stuff this waste into spare pockets but it can be surprisingly difficult as it tends to be quite springy and has a malignant mind of its own. There are commercial devices available (for example the
Monomaster) so I thought I'd have a go at something similar. Here are the details!