MathJax - how to get equations onto the Web
Scientific Web nirvahna - or how I learned to love equations! Ommmmmmmmm….
Scientific Web nirvahna - or how I learned to love equations! Ommmmmmmmm….
I wrote my PhD thesis using LaTeX. If you want to gain full control of how anything you write turns out on the page then you have to use Latex (or TeX - but that's sheer masochism!). If you've ever permanently damaged the follicles on your head by excessively heaving on the attached hair whilst screaming at Word (other WYSIWYG things are available) to STOP MOVING THE BLOODY IMAGE then learn LaTeX - trust me I'm a Physicist as an old friend of mine used to say as a chat-up line (unsuccessfully I might add).
How to burn a DVD of various media clips which, when played on your DVD player, provides a visual menu to the audience who can then select the clip they want to play.
Python is a great language for knocking together some code to do something useful. It's interpreted so easy to make quick changes. As it stands it has loads of powerful commands and language constructs but then there are many, many extra specialist 'modules' you can use to add specialist functionality (advanced maths and graphics, data mining, AI, linguistic analysis … and so on).
You'll find Python code all over this site but here is an example to show you the sort of quick and dirty application I use it for.
Most of the entries you see on this site are using 'Poster' Stack by inStacks software. This works pretty well and gives you a lot of flexibility without having to go to CMS setup or signing on for another blogging system. I did want to have a 'filter' option in the sidebar though and if you don't know what you're doing (story of my life) it isn't a straight forward point-and-click excercise. Here's how I hacked my way through.
Sometimes it would be nice to generate a link directly into some of these blog/article entries. You can do this using the "permalinks" - here's how
Nice photo from an unusual perspective. Kudos to Joshua Sortino
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